
Activated carbon is a form of carbon treated to have small volume vapors to increase the surface area for adsorption or chemical reaction. Due to the high capillary level, only one gram of activated carbon has a surface area in excess of 3,000 m2, which is determined by the adsorption method. A sufficient level of activation for a useful application can be achieved only from a high surface area; furthermore, chemical treatment often increases the adsorption properties. Activated charcoal is usually collected from charcoal and sometimes biochar. The types obtained from coal or glass are called activated carbon or activated carbon.
Chemically composed primarily of carbon atoms in the amorphous form (powder), a fraction of crystalline graphite crystals. In addition to carbon, the rest is usually ash, mostly alkali and sand. Activated carbon has a very large surface area and should be used as an ideal filter for many types of chemicals.
Surface area of ​​active charcoal is 500 to 2500 m 2 / g (for example, a tennis court has an area of ​​about 260 m2). This very large surface is a consequence of the hollow fiber structure, which is mainly due to inherited organic origin, through high temperature drying under anaerobic conditions. Most of the hollows - cracked microchips, are very absorbent, and they play the role of transverse ditches. Activated charcoal is often self-upgrading (for example, self-cleaning ashes or surface-top chemicals), in order to retain the suction filter properties, in order to absorb specific components such as heavy metals.
Attribute enhances the meaning of activated carbon and, in terms of its non-toxic properties (even once eaten it), activated carbon is made from wood and coal that are usually low in cost, from coir, Fruit shells are more expensive and of higher quality. Waste from the process of making activated charcoal is easily destroyed by burning method. If the filtered substances are heavy metals, recovery from ash is also very easy. Most of the active carbon present in the life is made from wood by burning the stem and spraying on the burning stem (also known as the charcoal) or burning the wood in the anaerobic environment

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